url: http://edufile.info/?view=representations&topic=topic_general_infos&country=1
Representations Slovakia
Stredoškolská študentská únia Slovenska - Šuska
Secondary school student's union of Slovakia
Type of Members
School students who are representatives of schools (councils).
Amount of members
[missing data]
General Assembly
Around 30
€ 0
Organisation's Staff
Year of Foundation
Basic Structure
Other Student Unions
Študentská rada vysokých škôl (ŠRVŠ) - national organization representing university students
Student Representations
According to the law (Zákon o školskej samospráve), student council is voted by all school students and consists of 5 up to 11 students. It designates a Student Representative for the School Council and comments on issues to the director of the school. Majority of students doesn't know that such structures exists, and in reality they exists usually only on paper.
It is a habit, that each class elects a class speaker, who becomes a member of the student council. Student councils try to organise students and student life. Class speakers elect one of them to become the school students President, who then represent the students outside the school.
It depends very much on the headmaster how students are heard and what can they do. In the best cases, student President is also member of the School Board with voting rights.
Students at School Level
Students in general are not included. It depends on the respective schools and its headmasters. Occasionally students are invited to comment on some issues on regional level, but are hardly heard.
Students in Municipal or Governmental Bodies
Depends from case to case, but generally students are not represented, or are represented but without the right to vote.
At national/regional level students are heard only if they go on strike. At schools, it depends from the headmaster and the other teachers. Legally students' voice can only recommend. Most often if they are invited to speak, they are not heard.
[missing data]
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