url: http://edufile.info/?view=representations&topic=topic_general_infos&country=10
Representations Switzerland
Union der Schülerorganisationen - USO
Union of School Student Organisations
Type of Members
Student councils.
Amount of members
Around 90 student councils.
General Assembly
Around 25
[missing data]
Organisation's Staff
Year of Foundation
Basic Structure
The representatives of the Swiss cantons' school student organisations forms the General Assembly. The member organisations themselves have individual concepts of representations.
Other Student Unions
No others
Student Representations
Since Switzerland is a federal state, each canton has it’s own law. Furthermore each school has it’s own law. The grade of student representation is therefore depending from local authorities. Student representation is seen as a useful tool to create social atmosphere at local schools. No law is forcing representation.
Students at School Level
On primary school level USO is watching pro-participatory projects. On this level, participation is seen as a useful tool to create social atmosphere at local schools. On secondary level USO is watching status quo, e.g. student representation is accepted but no great intention to increase the amount of participatory structures. On political level USO is welcoming the effort of ministers to respect and include the opinion of students. Democratic structure enables USO to take part in educational discussions.
Students in Municipal or Governmental Bodies
Important commissions start to invite students, but generally students are not heard.
Hinder: federative structure
[missing data]