url: http://edufile.info/?view=representations&topic=topic_general_infos&country=22
Representations Slovenia
Dijaška organizacija Slovenije - DOS
School student organisation of Slovenia
Type of Members
Any person with the status of a secondary school student is a member.
Amount of members
There are approximately 100,000 secondary school students in Slovenia. All of them are considered to be members.
General Assembly
The General Assembly is usually held four times a year. Representatives of secondary schools, elected by each school’s Student Council, are the members of the General Assembly. Out of 142 representatives approximately one hundred attend.
DOS is financed mainly by the special taxes for student work. Members do not have to contribute. The estimated budget is €80,000 per annum. Costs, like staff, accountancy, office, etc., are paid by Student Union of Slovenia (another student organization in Slovenia, working regionally), so usage of money by DOS is, in fact, higher.
Organisation's Staff
There are eight employees working full-time for both DOS and Student Union of Slovenia.
Year of Foundation
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Basic Structure
Other Student Unions
There are also other student organizations, but DOS is the only nationwide student union. Some of the biggest regional organizations are the Student Union of Ljublana and School student union of Maribor.
Student Representations
Each school has a student council,composed of presidents of the classes, which elects a representative to the DOS Parliament. (There are 142 secondary schools in Slovenia.) Every person with the status of a secondary student is automatically a member of DOS.
Students at School Level
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Students in Municipal or Governmental Bodies
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