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School systems > Developments
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School systems > FAQ > General > Can you choose your own school?
School systems > FAQ > General > Possibility of Home schooling
School systems > FAQ > Kindergartens > Ratio of Kindergarten children to whole children population
School systems > FAQ > Primary schools > Grading System
School systems > FAQ > Primary schools > School Uniforms
School systems > FAQ > Primary schools > Warm food provided during lunch
School systems > FAQ > Primary schools > Number of Students in average class
School systems > FAQ > Primary schools > Days of / year
School systems > FAQ > Primary schools > Hours of school / year
School systems > FAQ > Primary schools > Percentage public / independent (private) schools
School systems > FAQ > Primary schools > Nationwide Test
School systems > FAQ > Secondary schools > Grading System
School systems > FAQ > Secondary schools > School Uniforms
School systems > FAQ > Secondary schools > Possibility of Electives
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School systems > FAQ > Secondary schools > Number of Students in average class
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School systems > FAQ > Secondary schools > Hours of school / year
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Project > About > Working group Project > About > The idea behind Project > About > Funding Project > Contacts > Council of Europe - Directorate of Education, Culture and Heritage, Youth and Sport (CoE DYS) Project > Contacts > United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) - International Bureau of Education (IBE) Project > Contacts > educational CountryFile Project > Contacts > European Youth Foundation (EYF) Project > Contacts > European Union - Directorate-General for Education and Culture (DG EAC) Project > Contacts > Eurydice Project > Contacts > Student organizations & National institutions Project > Contacts > Organising Bureau of European School Student Unions (OBESSU) Project > Disclaimer > View Project > How to use this page > View Project > Privacy policy > View Representations > Name (Bulgaria) Representations > Amount of members (France) Representations > General Assembly (Italy) Representations > Organisation's Staff (Slovakia) Representations 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(Switzerland) Representations > Type of Members (Finland) Representations > General Assembly (Serbia) Representations > Budget (Belgium) Representations > Students at School Level (Spain) Representations > Students in Municipal or Governmental Bodies (Bulgaria) Representations > Hurdles (France) Representations > Issues (Ireland) Representations > Name (France) Representations > Type of Members (Switzerland) Representations > General Assembly (Slovakia) Representations > Budget (Serbia) Representations > Organisation's Staff (Netherlands) Representations > Basic Structure (Lithuania) Representations > Other Student Unions (Ireland) Representations > Type of Members (France) Representations > Amount of members (Italy) Representations > Organisation's Staff (Estonia) Representations > Basic Structure (Norway) Representations > Other Student Unions (Lithuania) Representations > Students at School Level (England) Representations > Success (Slovenia) Representations > Issues (Belgium) Representations > Name (Slovenia) Representations > Amount of members (Belgium) Representations > Budget (Austria) Representations > Organisation's Staff (Sweden) Representations > Year of Foundation (Denmark) Representations > Other Student Unions (Norway) Representations > Student Representations (Macedonia) Representations > Students in Municipal or Governmental Bodies (Switzerland) Representations > Success (Finland) Representations > Issues (Serbia) Representations > Name (Finland) Representations > Amount of members (Serbia) Representations > General Assembly (Netherlands) Representations > Organisation's Staff (Austria) Representations > Year of Foundation (Ireland) Representations > Basic Structure (Denmark) Representations > Student Representations (Bulgaria) Representations > Students in Municipal or Governmental Bodies (France) Representations > Success (Switzerland) Representations > Issues (Slovakia) Representations > General Assembly (Estonia) Representations > Budget (Netherlands) Representations > Year of Foundation (Lithuania) Representations > Student Representations (Spain) Representations > Students at School Level (Slovenia) Representations > Success (France) Representations > Hurdles (Italy) Representations > Amount of members (Slovakia) Representations > Student Representations (England) Representations > Students at School Level (Finland) Representations > Students in Municipal or Governmental Bodies (Slovenia) Representations > Hurdles (Belgium) Representations > Name (Belgium) Representations > Type of Members (Italy) Representations > General Assembly (Sweden) Representations > Budget (Estonia) Representations > Year of Foundation (Norway) Representations > Basic Structure (Macedonia) Representations > Issues (Macedonia) Representations > Name (Serbia) Representations > Type of Members (Belgium) Representations > General Assembly (Austria) Representations > Budget (Sweden) Representations > Organisation's Staff (Denmark) Representations > Basic Structure (Bulgaria) Representations > Other Student Unions (Macedonia) Representations > Students at School Level (Switzerland) Representations > Students in Municipal or Governmental Bodies (Finland) Representations > Hurdles (Serbia) Representations > Name (Slovakia) Representations > Type of Members (Serbia) Representations > Amount of members (Netherlands) Representations > Organisation's Staff (Ireland) Representations > Basic Structure (Spain) Representations > Other Student Unions (Bulgaria) Representations > Students at School Level (France) Representations > Hurdles (Slovakia) Representations > Issues (Bulgaria) Representations > Type of Members (Slovakia) Representations > Amount of members (Estonia) Representations > Organisation's Staff (Lithuania) Representations > Basic Structure (England) Representations > Other Student Unions (Spain) Representations > Student Representations (Slovenia) Representations > Success (Italy) Representations > Issues (Sweden) Representations > Amount of members (Sweden) Representations > General Assembly (Denmark) Representations > Organisation's Staff (Norway) Representations > Year of Foundation (Macedonia) Representations > Other Student Unions (England) Representations > Student Representations (Finland) Representations > Students in Municipal or Governmental Bodies (Serbia) Representations > Success (Belgium) Representations > Issues (Austria) Representations > Name (Italy) Representations > Student Representations (Switzerland) Representations > Students in Municipal or Governmental Bodies (Slovakia) Representations > Success (Serbia) Representations > Hurdles (Netherlands) Representations > Amount of members (Austria) Representations > General Assembly (Ireland)
This is an enhanced version of the CountryFile created in 2000 by OBESSU which was published only in the printed format. This project is online since 15th of March 2008.
The educational CountryFile is an international student project which aims to provide you information on school systems and student school representations in respective countries.As the school systems are changing in the time so are also the environments for student representations. Therefore we...
This project was made possible thanks to the financial support of the European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe. This project was supported under the campaign.
CoE DYS is a directorate of the Council of Europe.
IBE acts as UNESCO's center specialized in contents, methods and structure of education.
We will welcome your comments at .
EYF is a fund established by Council of Europe to provide financial support for European youth activities.
DG EAC is a directorate-general of the European Commission of the European Union.
Eurydice is an information network on education in Europe and an integral part of Socrates Community action program in education. It provides detailed information on school systems in Europe and more.
Contact details of student organizations and national institutions can be found in following parts of this web page: .
OBESSU is a platform for cooperation between the national school student unions active in general secondary and secondary vocational education in Europe.
Information on this web site is provided as is. As it is a product of many individuals, OBESSU and/or any other mentioned student/educational organisation make no warranties or representations about the accuracy or completeness of this site. None of the mentioned organisations shall be liable for...
This website does not collect any information about its visitors. This website contains links to other websites - please read Disclaimer/Privacy Policy of every website you visit.
Младежко сдружение за мир и развитие на Балканите
LAKS has a presidium, which oversees the organisation of and the order during the GA. There is also a recruitment and monitoring committee which advises on candidates for positions in the board and monitors the current board members. Both organs are elected by the GA.
Every school has to have its own students’ council.
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In Spain the place student unions take in society is widely conditioned by regional differences and diversities. However, in a wider perspective, and especially in comparison with other European countries, it can be said that Spanish school students have little opportunities for making them heard....
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Any person with the status of a secondary school student is a member.
The total budget is around € 10,000.
1938The first student council was fomerd 1852 at Sven Erikssons gymnasium in Borås. The first national union was formed in 1938 (STSE - Sveriges Tekniska Skolors Elevförbund) which merged 1982 with SECO (fomred 1952) to Elevorganisationen I Sverige which 2006 changed its name back to SECO.
Pupils from grade 4 to 13 are required and have the right by law to form student councils” and in the end “Student councils represent the pupils in school bodies, such as the school board and school environment committee.The student councils have the right to participate in all decision making...
Because the law does not state that student council representatives are members of the School Board, the students’ involvement in shaping their educational process varies from school to school, but generally it is still on a low level.
As the examples above show, Student Voice varies significantly in different schools and different areas. Generally, students tend to be given a voice on less important issues, and Student Voice is too often a privilege rather than a right. There are significant problems, however, for any body...
Finland has a respectable public system for funding of student unions at a national level; student unions can for instance receive grants that render activity possible. Albeit decision-making in Finland takes place on a quite high level the student organisations are heard, especially on university...
Also, there are two regional representatives per province (there are four provinces). Finally, there is an advisory board made up of four previous board members.
Danske Skoleelever (DSE) - Organisation for primary school students
Most of the schools in the cities with a bigger population have their own student council, made up by its students. They are given certain right to propose or make changes concerning the development of the educational system.
Students are represented in the governmental institutions through USM. USM has taken part in most of the decision making processes concerning the educational system and has been included in the implementation of all the educational reforms.
Hinder: federative structure
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Union der Schülerorganisationen - USOUnion of School Student Organisations
FSS: IndividualsSLL: Individuals
Around 30
The total budget is around € 315,000.
The involvement of schools in the development of their educational centres is very much up to every school to define. While some schools have important structures for students’ participation and allocate money for this, others do not even have an active student council. This creates very...
In Bulgaria there are certain student structures, which represent the interests of young people from one school, university or municipality in front of the municipal or governmental bodies, usually only the chairman can be present at the meetings of these institutions. Still, it is not easy for a...
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Union Nationale Lycéénne - UNLNational High-school union
Student councils.
Around 30
€ 10,000
LAKS has 5 members of staff.
General Assembly is the controlling body. It elects board every year, board consists of 8 people - 6 board members, president and vice-president. President nominates people to bureau and board submit them.
Individuals and elected officials of high-school pupilsOur organization has vocation to gather the high-school pupils and the elected officials of high-school pupils. Our statutes also make it possible to the schoolboy to become member like with the students in BTS and preparatory classes.
5 regional federations8000 students
ESCU has 7 members of staff.
The student councils are the once that send representatives to both regional and national assemblies.
LSS - Lithuanian Students UnionLMP - Lithuanian School Students Parlament
Students are sometimes (rather haphazardly) consulted by the Government on various issues, and are included by some schools in the writing of their development plans. This is inconsistent, however.
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Dijaška organizacija Slovenije - DOSSchool student organisation of Slovenia
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€ 72,000, funded by government. Members do not have to contribute.
25 full-time (approximately)
DGS: LH: 1979
No other.
It’s guaranteed that secondary students can organize themselves in student councils in the schools. However, according to the Law of Secondary education, in the School board there are no student representatives.
[missing data]
UNSS is a member of Youth peer network and All Different All Equal network in Serbia.
Finlands Svenska Skolungdomsförbund - FSS
Number of students present in schools where there is a student council represented in UNSS is over 10 000.
1 full time, 5 voluntary
Each secondary school has its student council, pedagogical council and school board. Only in the school board representatives from different fields can be present. There are parents involved in the process of shaping the image of the school; usually they help with financial assistance.
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Important commissions start to invite students, but generally students are not heard.
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The total budget is about € 200,000
It is legally stated that every public school or private school receiving subsidies must allow the creation of a student council and provide it with a local and materials. Moreover, each of these schools count on a school board where parents, teachers, students and the city hall are represented....
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A stable and trustable public system for funding of student unions at the national level could surely help a better school students’ representation. On the other hand, good representation is hindered by the limited involvement of media and politicians in school students’ issues and therefore...
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Section 176 of Education Act of 2002 states that students should have their voice heard. This works in conjunction with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, Article 12. However, beyond this there is little except guidelines. Student Voice is too frequently considered synonymous with a...
The position of student councils in schools varies widely in different region and types of schools. For instance, about 90% of the upper secondary schools have at least formal student councils, but the equivalent percent in vocational schools is only 60. In terms of student actually being heard and...
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Vlaamse Scholierenkoepel vzw - VSK
Individuals, groups of students and student councils.UDS is formed by individuals, groups of students and student councils, organised in local, provincial and regional federations.
Around 300Approximately 150 student councils.
The total budget is around €100 000.
1999EONs predecessor, NEO (Norwegian School Student Union) was founded in 1994 when a fraction of board members from NGS (Norsk Gymnasiastsamband) left the organization. NGS was founded in 1959. These two organizations formed EON in 1999.
The general assembly elects the board, which is the decision making body in the organisation. The GA consists of the representatives of Youth Clubs. This board consists of nine to eleven members, plus a president. There is also an Advisor.
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Unija srednjoškolaca Srbije - UNSSUnion of secondary school students of Serbia
School councils
Around 100
€ 1,2 mil, by 40% national systematic governmental contribution, 30% regional and local government contribution and 20% national agency of education for development of schools.
According to the Law of Civil Associations in Macedonia, USM is the only registered NGO that represents the secondary students on a national level.
On primary school level USO is watching pro-participatory projects. On this level, participation is seen as a useful tool to create social atmosphere at local schools. On secondary level USO is watching status quo, e.g. student representation is accepted but no great intention to increase the...
The main task of municipal youth councils is to provide a channel for young people’s perspectives, wishes and initiatives in local government. Around 50 Finnish municipalities have a youth council. Members of youth councils are selected in elections, with the age limit of those entitled to vote...
There is no public funding for school student organization like UNSS. The Government doesn’t provide any money for the office or administrative costs necessary for the organization’s functioning. Ministry of youth and other donors are the only ones that help student representation by financing...
Stredoškolská študentská únia Slovenska - ŠuskaSecondary school student's union of Slovakia
Student councils and individual students.
The Confederal Council is the highest decision-making body in between Confederal Assemblies. It is formed by a certain number of representatives from federations (depending on their size) and the Board. It meets several times a year.
There are many regional or municipal student organizations.
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At this moment in Bulgaria there is no organization representing all the young people and consequently the government is trying to make a law, by means of which to create an organisation. The organisation will have to create local councils, but this might prove a hard assignment to full fill.
School students who are representatives of schools (councils).
The ‘head’ of ESSA is a National Council of elected students from the 9 government regions. The Council meets four times a year and makes decisions about ESSA policy, as well as representing ESSA at conferences, representing ESSA within the media and promoting ESSA’s cause. The Council is...
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Each school has a student council,composed of presidents of the classes, which elects a representative to the DOS Parliament. (There are 142 secondary schools in Slovenia.) Every person with the status of a secondary student is automatically a member of DOS.
In November,17th 2006, symbolically on the International Students’ day, after a day of mobilisation in more than 130 cities, The Minister of education signed the “Palazzo Valentini Chart”, from the name of the building of the provincial government in Rome. With this act he formalized his...
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300 student councils and 42 000 individual students that have signed up as supportive members.
Board (16 people) is working full-time in office in Oslo. President and Secretary General are the only ones paid for their work.
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According to Finnish law, the students in every secondary school in the country have to form a student body and have a representative organ, a student council. Furthermore, according to Finnish law, the educator is compelled to give the students the opportunity to participate in the development of...
Students are not in any way represented in neither municipal nor governmental bodies.
[missing data]
Unione Degli Studenti - UDSItalian School Students’ Union
Since Switzerland is a federal state, each canton has it’s own law. Furthermore each school has it’s own law. The grade of student representation is therefore depending from local authorities. Student representation is seen as a useful tool to create social atmosphere at local schools. No law...
Depends from case to case, but generally students are not represented, or are represented but without the right to vote.
Students are practically not heard at all. The only possibility for them to make some small changes is at school level, but this also varies from school to school. At the moment UNSS is cooperating with the Ministry of youth and therefore school students are given the opportunity to have a say...
In the Netherlands, students sit on the very formal co-administrative council. This allows them to participate. However, student councils are also a part of school student participation. The promotion of student councils (perhaps through legislation) is one of the challenges for the future.
Over 1000 school students participate in AKS every year. Membership is voluntary and there is no membership fee.