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School systems Spain
Country | Overview | Disabled students | Developments
| Kindergartens | Primary schools | Secondary schools | Higher education
| Kindergartens | Primary schools | Secondary schools | Higher education
Spain (Kingdom of Spain) is a country located in the South-Western Europe, on the Iberian Peninsula. The country covers an area of 504,030 km² and its population compromises of 45.20 million people. The official language is Spanish.
Education is compulsory from the age of 6 to 16. It's free of charge.
Kindergartens are not compulsory and are free of charge. Children have to be 3 years old to attend.
Primary schools
School starts at 9:00 and finishes whether after lunch 13-14:00 or before 17:00 (with lunch break 12:30 - 15:30. There are only some schools providing warm food for lunch.
Secondary schools
School starts at 8:30 and lasts till 14:30.
Higher education
[missing data]
Disabled students
[missing data]
Today the system is undergoing changes according to the Organic Law on the quality Education.