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Project Contacts
educational CountryFile
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Organising Bureau of European School Student Unions (OBESSU)
OBESSU is a platform for cooperation between the national school student unions active in general secondary and secondary vocational education in Europe.
Office: Rue de la Sablonnière 20, 1000 Brussels, Belgium
Tel: +32 2 6472390
Fax: +32 2 6472394
E-mail: obessu@obessu.org
Web: http://www.obessu.org
European Youth Foundation (EYF)
EYF is a fund established by Council of Europe to provide financial support for European youth activities.
Office: 30 rue Pierre de Coubertin, 67000 Strasbourg, France
Tel: +33 3 88412019
Fax: +33 3 90214964
E-mail: obessu@obessu.org
Web: http://www.eyf.coe.int/fej
European Union - Directorate-General for Education and Culture (DG EAC)
DG EAC is a directorate-general of the European Commission of the European Union.
Commissioner for Education, Training, Culture and Youth is Mr. Ján Figeľ.
Office: DG EAC, European Commission, Rue de Genève 1, 1140 Brussels, Belgium
E-mail: eac-info@ec.europa.eu
Web: http://ec.europa.eu/dgs/education_culture/index_en.html
Council of Europe - Directorate of Education, Culture and Heritage, Youth and Sport (CoE DYS)
CoE DYS is a directorate of the Council of Europe.
Office: Council of Europe, Avenue de l'Europe, 67075 Strasbourg Cedex, France
Tel: +33 38 8412000
E-mail: infopoint@coe.int
Web: http://www.coe.int
Eurydice is an information network on education in Europe and an integral part of Socrates Community action program in education. It provides detailed information on school systems in Europe and more.
Web: http://www.eurydice.org
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) - International Bureau of Education (IBE)
IBE acts as UNESCO's center specialized in contents, methods and structure of education.
Web: http://www.ibe.unesco.org/
Wold Data on Education, an UNESCO resource bank, provides profiles of national education system from the whole world.
Web: http://www.ibe.unesco.org/countries/WDE/WorldDataE.htm
Student organizations & National institutions
Contact details of student organizations and national institutions can be found in following parts of this web page: School Systems - Contacts and/or Representations - Contacts.