url: http://edufile.info/?view=representations&topic=topic_general_infos&country=11
Representations Lithuania
Lietuvos moksleivių Sąjunga - LMS
Lithuanian School Students Union
Type of Members
Individual school students and school councils
Amount of members
About 60 students' councils
General Assembly
Around 200
€ 15,000, by government and other grant institutions. Members do not have to contribute.
Organisation's Staff
Year of Foundation
Basic Structure
General Assembly is the controlling body. It elects board every year, board consists of 8 people - 6 board members, president and vice-president. President nominates people to bureau and board submit them.
Other Student Unions
LSS - Lithuanian Students Union
LSAS - Lithuanian Students Associations Union
LMP - Lithuanian School Students Parlament
Student Representations
Every school has to have its own students’ council.
Students at School Level
Through public organizations and students’ councils.
Students in Municipal or Governmental Bodies
JRD - Youth Business Department
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Public organizations, students’ councils.
[missing data]