url: http://edufile.info/index.php?view=project&topic=about_project&country=0
Project About
The idea behind
The educational CountryFile is an international student project which aims to provide you information on school systems and student school representations in respective countries.
Educational CountryFile is being developed by the Organising Bureau of European School Student Unions (OBESSU) and its members and/or other partners.
The main reason for creating this website was the need to get to know more about each other and to have the possibility to learn from each other.
Although there are some other resources on this topic available, we felt that they are whether too much governmental oriented (plan not reality) or too much detailed (all the statistical data) and a simple but sufficient student view and experience is missing.
We hope, that our project will fill the gap and will serve as a tool in the work for better sustainable education.
As the school systems are changing in the time so are also the environments for student representations. Therefore we see the creation of this website as a continuous and never ending process, trying to improve itself all the time. Please feel free to comment on it, help us with the content and suggest us new features.
Working group
This is an enhanced version of the CountryFile created in 2000 by OBESSU which was published only in the printed format.
In this version (printed and additional online format), part on school systems has been added as well as more countries has been included into the representations part.
The former version in year 2000 has been prepared and edited by Hanne Lorimer-Aamodt and Josiene Meier.
Current version has been prepared by the working group consisting of OBESSU Board members Antonia Wulff, Ingrid Gogl, Martina Scheggi, Fatim Diara (Guillermo Torál Martínez) as well as Mark Brakel and Rastislav Mikuláš.
The web site has been developed in cooperation with and created by Michal Kevický.
Many thanks to all the people who have helped with this project! Special thanks to Jovana Bazerkovska, Giuseppe Beccia, Peter Gerlach and Derry Hannam.
This project is online since 15th of March 2008.
This project was made possible thanks to the financial support of the European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe. This project was supported under the "All different, all equal" campaign.